yr. 1886 A.P.
Prime minister Duval
220,411 sq. miles
Trimerica is the western most nation in Pangea and is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to its west, Drought to the east, Russia to its north, and New Brazil to the nation’s south. It is broken up into 3 sections - High-America, Low America, and Mid America making up the whole of the Pangean state. High America is mostly dry featuring the vast Mojave desert - while low America where the Great Lakes are located is where you find vegetation.

Official Language
New York
Trimerican Lear
Trimerica once consisted of three nations - Mexico, America, and Canada; but once the region's natural resources began to diminish - the Americans decided it would be essential for everyone’s survival to unite the three states; of course this had to be preceded by war - as Canada and Mexico had no desire to be occupied by America; but after 10 years of conflict that was fought on two fronts and at the cost of millions of lives military and civilian, Trimerica officially became a Pangean nation in 1886 - and is now the main driving force behind the United Nations and is also widely considered the crème de la crème of Africa-Pangean nation due to its technological exploits, financial stature, and its social prowess.